Yellow Door World
Therapeutic Center for children with special needs

Yellow Door World (YDW), a therapy center for children with special needs was run from 2018-2019, on Golf Course Road in Gurgaon.
As a first of its kind, Parent-Therapist collaborative venture, Yellow Door World was set up to solve for the commercial, factory like environment, existing in most therapy centers, exemplified by:
~ Over-crowded centers, with a cacophony of multiple parallel sessions, drowning out all attempts at sensory integration
~ Therapists who treat every child with a “one size fits all” approach with little or no customization
~ Parents, who are always left out of the therapy sessions, so that no one can make out what is happening behind closed doors
Differentiating features of Yellow Door World
Yellow Door World, in contrast, adopted a multi-disciplinary life-skill centric approach, with the active involvement and training of parents. We ensured there was only 1 child in the waiting reception area, while a session was going live in the therapy room. This avoided over-crowding and prevented negative sensory overload on the child. Syndrome specific specialized redressal techniques were adopted for maximum benefit of the child.